The UAE has announced 781 new cases of COVID-19, taking the overall tally in the country to 29,485.
According to the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), more than 35,00 coronavirus tests were carried out across the UAE.
It was also confirmed that one person has died from the virus, bringing the total death toll to 245.
Meanwhile, 561 people have recovered from the virus, bringing the total number of recoveries to 15,056 in the UAE.
"الصحة" تجري أكثر من 35 ألف فحص ضمن خططها لتوسيع نطاق الفحوصات وتكشف عن 781 إصابة جديدة بفيروس #كورونا المستجد و 561 حالة شفاء و حالة وفاة#وام pic.twitter.com/qqq8IRYUa0
— وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) May 24, 2020