The UAE has announced 698 new cases of COVID-19.
According to the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP), this now brings the total number of cases to 21,084.
MoHAP explained that the recently diagnosed patients are in stable condition and they are receiving the necessary medical attention.
This comes after more than 37,000 medical tests were conducted nationwide.
Ministry officials have also revealed that two more people have died from the virus, which makes the total number of deaths 208 in the country.
Meanwhile, 407 people have recently recovered from the virus, bringing the total number of recoveries to 6,930.
آخر الإحصائيات حول إصابات فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد 19) في الإمارات
— وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع - MOHAP UAE (@mohapuae) May 14, 2020
The latest update of Coronavirus (Covid 19) in the UAE#خلك_في_البيت#ملتزمون_يا_وطن#فيروس_كورونا_المستجد #كوفيد19#وزارة_الصحة_ووقاية_المجتمع_الإمارات#stayhome#coronavirus#covid19#mohap_uae pic.twitter.com/k7jIFpQ4ph