The UAE's Federal Agency for Early Education (FAEE) has launched a major initiative to attract Emirati teachers.
Applications are now open to UAE nationals from across the seven emirates with various academic and professional backgrounds who want to play a role in teaching children in the early education stages.
Successful recruits will be offered employment opportunities at public schools across the country as nursery to Grade 4 teachers and teaching / classroom assistants in various subjects, including arts and culture.
The Emirati Recruitment Initiative (ERI) is part of efforts to attract UAE nationals into the early education ecosystem, contribute to the development of the vital sector and enrich Emirati educational capabilities.
"The critical building blocks of a child’s holistic development and social identity are laid during the early years of education, and Emirati teachers have a vital role to play in shaping our young students’ minds and instilling a strong sense of self within the context of our national identity, culture and values," said Sara Awadh Issa Musallam, Minister of State for Early Education, FAEE Chairman, and Chairman of Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK).
As part of the recruitment process, applicants will participate in a two-day qualifying assessment where they will be grouped into teams of five to solve a case study challenge and present their outcomes to a judging panel.
Candidates will be scored on their understanding of the challenge, inter-team communication, applied research, quality of their proposed solution, narrative and flow of their presentation and ability to respond to panel enquiries.
Successful applicants will receive a paid training contract for one of two pathways.
Those with a bachelor’s degree will train for nine months, starting with six months’ classroom experience, during which they will research and engage in field studies, followed by three months’ practical experience, where they will be monitored on ability to implement their learnings.
The second pathway takes successful high school graduate candidates through a 6-months training program, the first half of which will be spent on classroom experience, followed by three months in practice, where they will be monitored by classroom teachers.
Following the training they can work as teaching and classroom assistants.
When completed successfully, applicants in either pathway will earn a diploma that enables them to take on a full-time assignment.
Applications can be submitted online.