UAE high school topper Yasmine Mahmoud Abdullah was in for a special surprise, when His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, called her to congratulate her for the achievement.
The Dubai Ruler later took to Twitter to post an audio clip from his phone call with the Emirati school girl.
"I spoke with Yasmine Mahmoud Abdullah and congratulated her for obtaining the first place," Sheikh Mohammed tweeted.
During the call, His Highness asked her about her future plans, and which college she had zeroed in on for her higher studies.
Sheikh Mohammed also took the opportunity to congratulate all graduates, their families and their teachers "for a successful school year".
تحدثت مع ياسمين محمود عبدلله .. وباركت لها حصولها على المركز الأول لمسار النخبة في الثانوية العامة .. نبارك لكافة الخريجين .. ونبارك لجميع الآباء والأمهات .. ونبارك للوطن هذه الدفعة من أبنائه وبناته .. ندعو الله أن يوفق الجميع .. وأن يحفظ أبناءنا وبناتنا لوطنهم .. ويحفظ وطنهم لهم… pic.twitter.com/qxUBvA9rDd
— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) June 25, 2023