Dubai Police rescue driver during malfunction

Dubai Police

Dubai Police traffic patrols successfully rescued a driver whose vehicle experienced a sudden cruise control malfunction on Sheikh Zayed Road.

The prompt response from the Command and Control Center and coordinated efforts by the patrols averted a potentially serious traffic incident.

The incident unfolded when the driver who was heading towards Abu Dhabi was unable to regain control of the vehicle due to the malfunction, dialed 999 for emergency assistance. 

Brigadier Juma Salem bin Suwaidan, Deputy Director of the General Department of Traffic, highlighted the swift action taken by the patrols in ensuring the safety of both the driver and other motorists.

"our patrols swiftly located the vehicle past the Expo Bridge. Recognising the imminent danger on the high-speed road, they secured the area and activated warning signs to alert other drivers," stated Brig. Jumaa bin Suwaidan. 

One patrol positioned ahead of the vehicle, gradually slowing it down, while others secured the lane behind to prevent any potential accidents.

However, what should you do if you ever find yourself in this situation whilst driving? 

As Dubai continues to prioritise safety and efficiency in its traffic management, motorists are reminded to remain vigilant and informed about proper emergency procedures to handle unforeseen mechanical failures while driving.

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