The UAE has announced a set of safety guidelines for conducting marriages and funerals in the country.
In a series of Tweets, the Ministry of Health and the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) listed out the safety protocol for "social events" in a bid to curb the spread of coronavirus.
Marriages will be restricted to first-degree relatives, provided the number of attendees does not exceed 10 people. That's not all. All wedding guests have been advised to do COVID-19 tests 24 hours before the ceremony.
Everyone must wear masks and maintain a physical distance of no less than two metres, with an isolation room prepared at the venue in case of suspected cases.
Buffets will not be allowed, with single-use utensils and cups to be used while serving food, and constant disinfection processes of the facilities carried out.
For funerals, the number of attendees must not exceed 10 people, with grave diggers restricted to two and coffin bearers to 4-8 people. Workers at cemeteries are advised to disinfect their tools before and after a ceremony and thoroughly sanitise their hands.
The authorities also advised the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases to avoid such gatherings.
وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع وهيئة "الطوارئ والأزمات" عن بروتوكول تنظيم المناسبات الاجتماعية في ظل انتشار فيروس كوفيد-19.وذلك بهدف ضمان أقصى معايير الوقاية، ولتطبيق الإجراءات الوقائية الموصي بها من قبل الجهات الصحية.#نلتزم_لننتصر pic.twitter.com/SntPHQjLBR
— NCEMA UAE (@NCEMAUAE) September 18, 2020