Children under three-years-old should wear face shields and those above that age should wear masks, following the latest advice from the official UAE health spokesperson.
In a virtual address on the pandemic to the Ministry of Justice, Dr Farida Al Hosani stressed the importance of using licenced medical face masks for everyone’s health and safety.
She added that people should refrain from taking children to crowded areas, especially playgrounds.
Dr Al Hosani also said the types of vaccines available in the UAE are among the best in the world.
She noted that recent moves to broaden vaccination eligibility will help the nation to reach acquired immunity and reduce infections.
The crisis has affected citizens and residents, and changed the way people interact with each other within the Emirati community, the spokesperson highlighted.
"It also made families and the community adopt new healthy lifestyles and encouraged children and the youth to take responsibilities and be independent, and changed several negative lifestyles", she said.
Judge Dr Saeed Ali Bahbouh Al Naqbi, Acting Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, emphasised the importance of the cooperation between all public and private entities, individuals and national health authorities in implementing the government’s directives.
Al Naqbi said the ministry is keen to accelerate relevant laws and legislation to keep pace with developments related to COVID-19 and ensure adherence to relevant precautionary measures and the business continuity of courts.
He called on those concerned to continue organising similar guidance lectures, to reinforce employees' capacities and skills in addressing the pandemic.
Dr Al Hosani thanked the national justice sector and its fundamental role as a partner in establishing order in the country, which has contributed to the success of the UAE’s efforts during the crisis.
نظمت وزارة العدل عبر تقنية الاتصال المرئي بالتعاون مع مركز أبو ظبي للصحة العامة، جلسة حوارية افتراضية ( حول مستجدات كوفيد19 ) والتي استضافت فيها الدكتورة فريدة الحوسني، مدير إدارة الأمراض السارية في مركز أبوظبي للصحة العامة
— وزارة العدل (@MOJ_UAE) April 18, 2021
رابط الخبرhttps://t.co/tFnrE4Oq65 @adphc_ae pic.twitter.com/5dCxQb1kwX