ബിഗ് ബ്രേക്ഫാസ്റ്റ് ക്ലബ്ബിൽ നൈയ്ലയും ഫസ്ലുവും വിശദീകരിക്കുന്നു.
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Wednesday, 6 January 2021 14:23
ബിഗ് ബ്രേക്ഫാസ്റ്റ് ക്ലബ്ബിൽ നൈയ്ലയും ഫസ്ലുവും വിശദീകരിക്കുന്നു.
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The lives of four patients were saved in a specialised organ transfer mission carried out by teams from the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, with medical support from the Dubai Health Authority (DHA).
The value of endowment assets in Dubai rose to AED 11.1 billion in 2024, marking a 9 per cent annual growth.
The UAE's General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has introduced a groundbreaking regulation, making it the first in the region to set national standards for certifying air navigation service providers for unmanned aircraft.
Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has conducted a major inspection campaign targeting car dealerships.
The UAE has condemned the "terrorist attack" that targeted a train in southwest Pakistan's Balochistan province, which resulted in dozens of deaths and injuries.
The Zayed Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation signed an agreement with Aleria Technologies to develop AI applications to improve operational efficiency and improve the experience of beneficiaries inside and outside the UAE.
His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, approved several new policies during a meeting of The Executive Council.
The UAE-based International Charity Organisation and the Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi Foundation have provided Ramadan food parcels to the Gaza Strip.
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